miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2015

I am going to present my statement of the problem in next paragraph.


Beginners are suppossed to make listening comprehension in a conversation or  when they  are listening whatever like music,radio or  someone but the reality is that they do not have some idea about the content  with a formality level and so on of the discourse.Such ideas are based on what J.C.Richards calls "Script competence",that is the knowledge we possess in advance about the subject-mater or context of the discourse(´Listening´,TESOL Quarterly 17:2) .
Another important aspect is the relation between listener expectations and their purposes in listening comprehension.For example if the students want to know the answer of a question,they are going to ask and they expect to hear a relevant answer and for that they have to pay attention to certains key words or phrases.It leads to use their "listening out"(to listen carefully).
Another aspect is that the listener does not have active spoken participation and their expectation may be less defined nevertheles the listener is part of the conversation because the listener is connected with their purpose.
According with presented it before there are some problems that the students has to face to develop listening comprehension.It is because they do not have an strategy that help them to make understanding in a conversation and for that it is necessary  they are going to be able to make minimal responses which are indicators that the listener is understanding what the speaker is saying as well as they will acquire self-confidence to participate in a conversation and at the same time is important that the speaker speaks accurately and makes sense while is speaking. It means that if the students do not understand what the speaker is saying in a conversation in this case as a result the listener is  going to be unable to make a response which indicates misunderstanding.

The evidence that i can observe is in the classroom that teacher says something like instructions or  when he is talking about anything and after he asks to the students if they understood but anyone answer  because they did not know about the topic or may be they did not recognize  the sounds and the meaning of certains words and less they can make minimal responses that indicates understanding about what the teacher is saying. 

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