lunes, 12 de octubre de 2015


What is suppossed to happen ?

They are suppossed to make listening comprehension in a conversation or in any kind of situation that implies to make understanding like listen to music,radio,to the teacher or something like these.In addition,if they receive  previous knowledge about the content thet they are going to hear ,they will be able to  get the idea or message that the speakers tries to convey to the listener.

What happens?

The students  expect to hear something that they look to know but the reality is that if they do not have knowledge about the content first about it, they do not make understanding because every student has different needs and purpose to use this listening comprehension and also  if the speaker mispronounced or misused the words in  the talking ,the listening comprehension seems more difficulty for the listeners and also if they do not konow the word i mean that if the students do not know very well certains words.For example how the speaker pronounces the word that they are not going to hear and   making an appropiate and accuracy listening comprehension as they expect.

What evidence do you have?

The evidence that i can observe is in the classroom and also with my brother because he is learning english but he does not study the vocabulary and the pronounciation of certain words so when they listen to music in english obvious he cannot understand what the song says because he had never heard this music before and he does not know the content of the music because if he  had known the most of the words , he would have understood what the singer tried to say in the song so in  his case he has specifics purpose which are to certificate english for his carrer and understand what says his favorites songs and for him, it could be more easy to get listening comprehension because he is interested and motivated by himself.


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